Our Troupes

Fire Phoenix Professional Troupe

McKenna Driver



McKenna is a certified FatChanceBellyDance® Style teacher and certified studio. She completed General Skills and Teacher Training in November of 2019 and is enrolled in the FatChance® Continuing Education Program (FCCE). She is always looking for new ideas to bring to her students to help them grow and learn. McKenna fosters an inclusive and energetic environment through teaching.

My name is McKenna. I was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. I have been dancing for as long as I can remember. I started when I was 2 turning 3 years old with ballet, tap and acrobatics. Over time I learned more styles like jazz, lyrical, contemporary, modern, and hip hop. I was on a competitive dance team for eight years. I have taught ballet, tap and other styles to the next generation of dancers. Dance has always been in my bones and fed my soul. My sister danced too. She is the reason I found FCBD®Style. She had been taking classes for about a year with a troupe called Tribal Sisters, who became Tula Tribe, and begged me to come join. So I did. That was in January of 2016. Now, I have danced and become friends with people all over the world. It is such an amazing gift to share a non verbal language with so many people. I can "talk" with people I've never met. Amazing, right? We all have different accents but share the same language. My mom now dances with me. I can't even explain how wonderful it is to share that with her. This dance has brought us even closer than we already were. It's also given me the opportunity to be her cheerleader for a change! I got my teaching certification for FCBD®Style in November of 2019 and am always looking to continue my education. I want to know everything there is to know about this style. That's just who I am. Outside of dance I'm a singer, an actor and choreographer. I've been in local professional plays as an actor/singer/dancer and I've toured as well. I have also been the choreographer for some local shows around town. There isn't much I do that isn't connected with dance. It truly is my passion and it's what I do for a living. I have an amazingly supportive husband who allows me to follow my dreams even if they don't pay very much. It means the world to me to be able to share my passion with others and watch them grow and learn. I love seeing that spark and fostering the flame for the love of dance in any style. Thank you to all of my friends, family, teachers, and students who have supported me on this journey. I love you all!!


Morgan completed the FCBD® General Skills and Teacher Training certifications in November 2023.

My name is Morgan! I have grown up in Nashville and have watched the city change so much! I’ve always loved dance and music. I started dancing when I was 3 starting with ballet and tap. Later, I learned other styles like jazz, hip hop, modern and pointe but tap was always my favorite. I also danced as part of a competition dance team for 4 years.

With the love of dance comes music. Music will always be a love of mine. I love it all. Any genre. I listen as often as I can. I sing as well. Singing is another hobby of mine that I love. I have also enjoyed being a part of different musicals over the years.

As an adult, I found belly dance. I just happened across the Tribal Sisters website one day in 2015 and decided to take a class. I fell in love with the style and eventually was able to get my family to join. Unfortunately, in November of 2016, I was in a car accident that damaged my shoulder. I was eventually forced to stop dancing in early 2017. After a lot of physical therapy, I was finally able to start dancing again. I love that I’m able to share this style with my mom and sister and can’t wait to share it with all of you!

Outside of all things dance and music, I love spending time with my friends and connecting with nature. I also love all things dark and spoopy, am an avid gamer and a cat mom!

Teresa Driver

Assistant Business Manager/Instructor

Morgan Driver



Teresa completed the FCBD® General Skills and Teacher Training certifications in November 2023.

My name is Teresa Driver, a Nashville Native, mother of McKenna and Morgan, and I am so proud to be part of Fire Phoenix Belly Dance.  When they say this dance style is for everyone, believe them.  I started dancing at my daughters’ urgings having NEVER had any type of dance training.  After trying a couple of classes over a couple of years, at 53 years old I took the plunge and am so glad I did!  I have absolutely fallen in love with this dance style. 

In my professional life, I am a Production Stage Manager for Theatre doing straight plays and musical theatre and on occasion opera and dance.  I am a member of Actor’s Equity Association (AEA) and the Stage Management Association (SMA). After 20 years working in another career, I fell in love with theatre, and stage management in particular, when working in community theatre. From there I worked to become a professional stage manager and received my first AEA contract about 10 years ago.  I spend a lot of my free time with my daughters, dancing and working on my fixer upper house. 

Embers Student Troupe

Barbara Cook

My dance journey started as a child. As long as I can remember, I’ve always loved to dance. Growing up in the 60’s in a very small town, there were no dance lessons available that I was aware of. My introduction to dance was via the television. Every Saturday morning I would watch American Bandstand followed by Soul Train.. I was so fascinated by this crazy thing called dancing. When I was old enough, I would drag my friends out dancing at the clubs on Fri or Sat night. They weren’t into dancing as much as me but would go with me anyway. Throughout the years I would go dancing as much as possible but that all came to an end when I got married in 1990. He didn’t like to dance and told me I could not go out without him. I had 2 more children to add to my 1 that I already had so there was no time to pursue my love of dance. After my divorce in 2010 and my last child completing school in 2014, I set out to find new things to do with my new freedom. That’s when I discovered Meetup which led me to find dance lessons. I dove deep rekindling my love for dancing. I began taking lessons for ballroom, swing, hustle, waltz and belly dance. I was attending dance classes 3 nights a week. After a few months of dance lessons under my belt, I can say I was better at all the ballroom dances but I knew right away that my passion was for belly dancing. It is definitely the hardest dance style I’ve learned but also so rewarding and fun! My only regret is not finding belly dancing earlier in life. I am nearing 62 with several physical hindrances but I plan on continuing to dance as long as my body holds up!

I began dancing for the first time by taking a level 1 class with Fire Phoenix Belly Dance in 2021. I’m a mother of three and grandmother of four and soon to be a newlywed. I’m a sci-fi geek and eclectic in everything. At 29, I had joined karate and at 49, belly dance. Milestone years must have made me feel like I needed to do something more! I love to learn new things. I’ve written, painted, acted, crafted and went to classes for all of them. I like renaissance festivals, craft fairs, the drive in, and roller coasters. I like unique things, jewelry, bladed weapons and decorative eggs.

I earned my second degree black belt in 2008. Until then I was a stay at home mom but started working full time so I stepped away from karate a few years later. I went back in 2019 and then Covid hit. After that I decided to try something new. I took some acting classes and was an extra in a couple things. As an introvert, channelling my inner strength from karate helped me there. And acting brought out my ability to do in front of people what I never thought I could. That really helped me to decide I could do this!

I don’t know why belly dancing drew my attention, but it did and this style was perfect for me. Especially now, since I get to learn how to dance with a sword! I was lucky enough to join with a friend who has been with me through each step…and shimmy! I’m so excited for this next path in the journey, so I can continue to learn, perform and have fun! McKenna is a wonderful teacher with a mastery of detail and because of that continuity I get to learn from every member of the Fire Phoenix Professional Troupe and my fellow students. What a wonderful honor it is, to be a part of the Embers Student Troupe!

Nancy Stoneman

Amy Baker

I moved to Nashville in 2007 with my dogs to find a new and exciting life after a divorce. I have 3 dogs and volunteer at the shelter fostering puppies. In my spare time I love to garden, quilt, crochet and paint. In 2021 my friend invited me to take level 1 belly dancing class with her through Fire Phoenix Belly Dance. I had no experience in any kind of dance, so this was very new to me. I like to think of myself as a creative person, but most of what I do are solo projects, so group dancing was pretty far outside of my comfort level. I am so glad I got the opportunity to learn this dance style. Not only did I finally learn how to dance, but it's changed my outlook on so many other things. This style of dance may be the only experience I have, but it is so empowering. I have learned to believe in myself with the help of the lovely ladies of Fire Phoenix. There were times I thought I couldn't do it, but sticking with it and doing hard things feels so good when you finally figure it out. It's so fun to get all dressed up and dance this style, it's never the same and always so much fun! I can't wait to see how my journey continues.

Dee Papke

Dee completed the FCBD® General Skills certification in November 2023.

Hi, my name is Dee Papke. I am excited to be dancing with the Embers Student Troupe of Fire Phoenix Belly Dance. Officially, I am the oldest member of the group which shows the versatility of this belly dance style. Truly anyone can participate!

My childhood always included dance in many styles. I began college as a dance major. My training included professional classes in New York City along with workshops hosting visiting national instructors. After a brief hiatus, while my husband and I were raising our daughter, I happened to see an advertisement for a belly dance class. Those classes eventually led to membership in a fusion belly dance troupe. From there, I eventually found the Fat Chance Belly Dance style and now find myself in the Embers Student Troupe. This, along with all forms of ballroom dancing (with my favorite being West Coast Swing), are how I spend my spare time. It all keeps me physically fit, mentally aware and socially active. I am so very grateful to be a part of the dance community in general and the Embers Student Troupe specifically.

Jackie Morris

Jackie completed the FCBD® General Skills certification in November 2023.

My name is Jackie Morris. I’m a Nashville native and mom to one adult daughter, two dogs and a cat. I started my dance journey just days before my 58th birthday. I was looking for something out of my comfort zone and this was definitely that, as I had absolutely no dance experience. I took a beginner class with McKenna and was so intimidated initially. However, McKenna and everyone else were so welcoming and patient. The younger me would have never imagined that I would belly dance. I love that this style of dance is open to all ages, body types, genders and abilities. I still have a lot to learn and am grateful for my dance family that makes it fun. I am so honored to be a part of this student troupe.

Outside of class, you can find me chasing after my dogs, hugging trees, trying to master pickleball, hiking, listening to classic rock music, or taking care of my plants.


Liana Hardcastle

Owner/Director of Stormbirds Belly Dance in Ashland, NH

Liana completed the FCBD® General Skills and Teacher Training certifications in November 2023.

My name is Liana Hardcastle. I’m a Nashville area transplant, originally from NH, but I’ve lived in WA, TX, and LA, too! I’ve always loved to dance, but struggled to enjoy the few styles I pursued at a young age. I discovered belly dance quite by accident in high school and knew this was the type of dance for me. I found a community of women (all much older than me) who welcomed my 15-year old self into their joyful community. Seeing women of all ages and all body types having carefree fun together was profound to me. Since leaving NH and this community I have searched for something comparable and finally, over a decade later, found the amazing women of Fire Phoenix! FCBD was a new style to me when I first walked into McKenna’s level one class in early 2022, just a few months after giving birth to my only child. The classes were a way for me to reconnect with my body and find joy during the difficult postpartum period, but it quickly became much more. FCBD has become my favorite approach to belly dance; the improvisational style requires an intimate awareness of those you are dancing with. Instead of focusing on memorized choreography, we communicate and play and build our dance through joy. I am so grateful to be a part of this group!

Outside of dance I spend lots of time trying to keep up with my toddler at the playground, often have my nose buried in a book, or lose myself in whatever video game I’m addicted to at the time.

Misty Bourne

Owner/Director Crescent Dance Collective in Murfreesboro, TN


Misty completed the FCBD® General Skills and Teacher Training certifications in November 2023.

My name is Misty. I’ve been dancing since 2019, but my belly dance journey started many years prior when I was in college. I saw a troupe performing at a Renaissance festival one sunny fall day, and I marveled at their grace, confidence, and diversity of body types. Ever since then, I’d always wanted to learn but never had the courage to try.

In 2019, I took a FCBD®Style beginners’ course in Nashville under McKenna’s teaching. Prior to that day, I’d never taken any kind of dance class. I was scared to try, but I’m forever thankful I did! I knew from day one I loved this dance style—for its communal feel, its accessibility, its beauty—and wanted then to practice and grow and someday become an official troupe member. I’m incredibly grateful to be invited into the Fire Phoenix family and to continue learning this empowering art.